
Grothendieck Erdos Sophie Nueman Turing

I wrote about 180 blog posts from October 2014 to December 2018 at Gaurish4Math (Caution: This WordPress website is not mobile friendly and is supported via advertisements. Consider using ad-blocker like uBlock Origin)

Some old posts have been copied here. I might also write some new posts here once in a while, but they need not be about mathematics.



Reading and annotating papers

3 minute read


Following is the comparison of tech specs of my new tablet (USD 315 + taxes) with the older tablet (USD 280 + taxes):

Higher Arithmetic Computations

15 minute read


In this post, I discuss the options available for doing computational experiments in advanced number theory.



Space filling curve

4 minute read


In this post I would like to share my old writeup about there existence of a continuous surjective map from $\mathbb{R}$ to $\mathbb{R}^2$. In other words, we will prove that that Hilbert’s Curve is a continuous surjective map. The proof presented here was explained by Dr. Manas Ranjan Sahoo, 3 years ago on 15th April 2016.


Richert Theorem

2 minute read


In 1852, Chebyshev proved the Bertrand’s postulate:


Cross Diagonal Cover - V

1 minute read


This has been an exciting week! Prof. Sukanta Pati proved an interesting theorem that enables us to get decomposition of $2m-1\times n$ grids into simpler grids, hence simplifying counting to large extent (note that $m=n$ is also allowed). It enables us to surpass the difficulty posed by “more than two crosses in one square”, thus supporting the idea of colouring (i.e. not giving importance to two crosses in a square).

Cross Diagonal Cover - IV

5 minute read


While discussing this problem with Dr. Shailesh Shirali, he commented that there has to be a way to phrase the problem in terms of a ray of light being reflected off the walls of the rectangle, bouncing around, proceeding from one corner to some other corner.

Cross Diagonal Cover - III

1 minute read


I found many counterexamples to my conjecture, like

  • for Case 2 in 7 by 5 grid we have 12, 11 by 5 grid we have 19 and 15 by 5 grid we have 26 filled squares
  • for Case 3 in 4 by 10 grid we have 10 filled squares

Also, grant93jr made the following comment:

Cross Diagonal Cover - I

1 minute read


While doodling in my college classes, I designed an algorithm which I called Cross Diagonal Cover Algorithm:


Spot The Flaw

less than 1 minute read


Many of you must have seen numerous examples of such situations where we get an absurd result and have to spot flaw in proof.

Hello World

less than 1 minute read


Here is my first post.