Curves over C and Abel at 26


In this seminar, I discussed some interesting things I learned while preparing for my comprehensive exam.

The focus was on the analytic theory of curves we encounter in number theory, closely related to my lecture on the Poncelet Closure Theorem. Niels Abel, who died of tuberculosis at 26 in 1829, was the hero of my talk. In 1824, Abel sent a paper on the unsolvability of the quintic equation to Gauss, who proceeded to discard without a glance what he believed to be the worthless work of a crank. Later, in 1825, Abel traveled to Paris, where he presented his paper revealing the double periodicity of the elliptic functions. However, Cauchy proceeded to misplace the manuscript. Finally, two days after his death, a letter from Crelle arrived informing him that he had been offered a professorship at the University of Berlin. :/


Elliptic curve

Modular curve

  • The modular curves $X_0(11)$ and $X_1(11)$ - Tom Weston: Local copy and Stable link
  • Modular Curves, Hecke Correspondences, and L-Functions - David Rohrlich: Local copy and Stable link
  • Elliptic and modular curves over finite fields and related computational issues - Noam Elkies: Local copy and Stable link
  • Plotting the modular polynomial $\Phi_2(X,Y)$ over $\mathbb{C}$ - Ricardo Acuna: Local copy and Stable link
    • Whole code in Sage:
      P2.<X,Y,Z> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ, 2)
      Phi2 = -X^2*Y^2 + X^3 + 1488*X^2*Y + 1488*X*Y^2 + Y^3 - 162000*X^2 + 40773375*X*Y - 162000*Y^2 + 8748000000*X + 8748000000*Y - 157464000000000
      CC = Curve(Phi2.homogenize('Z'), P2)
      #AA = CC.affine_patch(2) 
      #plot(AA, (X,-10,20000),(Y,-10,20000), axes = True)
      s = var('s')
      X = (s^3 + 768*s^2 + 196608*s + 16777216)/(s^2)
      Y = (s^4 + 48*s^3 + 768*s^2 + 4096*s)/(s^2)
      X = X.numerator().factor()/X.denominator()
      Y = Y.numerator().factor()/Y.denominator()
      s = lambda u,v: (u+i*v)
      X = lambda u,v: ((s(u,v) + 256)^3/s(u,v)^2)
      Y = lambda u,v: ((s(u,v) + 16)^3/s(u,v))
      G0 = (lambda u,v: X(u,v).real(), lambda u,v: X(u,v).imag(), lambda u,v: Y(u,v).real())
      cf0 = lambda u,v: Y(u,v).imag() - floor(Y(u,v).imag())
      cm0 = colormaps.hsv
      pp1 = parametric_plot3d(G0,(-1000,-0.1),(-1000,-0.1),color = (cf0,cm0))
      pp1 = pp1.add_condition(lambda X,Y,Z: abs(X)^2+abs(Y)^2+abs(Z)^2 < (20000)^2)
      pp2 = parametric_plot3d(G0,(0.1,1000),(0.1,1000),color = (cf0,cm0))
      pp2 = pp2.add_condition(lambda X,Y,Z: abs(X)^2+abs(Y)^2+abs(Z)^2< (20000)^2)
      show(pp1+pp2, frame=false, viewpoint=[[-0.9521,-0.2128,-0.2196],91.01])

Abelian variety

Jacobian variety

Hyperelliptic curve

  • An elementary introduction to hyperelliptic curves - Alfred Menezes, Yi-Hong Wu, and Robert Zuccherato: Local copy and Stable link
  • Hyperelliptic curves - Steven Galbraith: Local copy and Stable link
  • On Abel’s hyperelliptic curves - Torsten Ekedahl: Local copy and Stable link
  • Visualizing complex points of hyperelliptic curves - Donu Arapura: Local copy and Stable link
    • For example, $X_0(23)$ is a hyperelliptic curve - René Schoof: Local copy and Stable link
    • One way to get two dimensional abelian varieties is as Jacobians of genus two curves. That is, $J_0(23)$.
    • However, for genus 2 curves we can’t have a non-singular model in the complex projective plane. Therefore, we generally use a plane hyperelliptic equation which represents the image of a projection $X_0(23)$ with a single singularity at infinity.
      R.<x> = QQ[] #polynomial ring
      H = HyperellipticCurve(x^6 - 8*x^5 + 2*x^4 + 2*x^3 - 11*x^2 + 10*x - 7)
      from sage.schemes.curves.projective_curve import ProjectivePlaneCurve
      from sage.schemes.curves.affine_curve import AffineCurve
      plot(H) #affine plot over real numbers instead of rationals

Further reading

  • Elliptic Curves: Function Theory, Geometry, Arithmetic by Henry McKean and Victor Moll
  • Abelian Varieties over the Complex Numbers: A Graduate Course by Herbert Lange